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Connection Expectations

MenLiving envisions a world of healthy, intentional, connected men. To help make that vision a reality, we create spaces—in person and online—where men can connect, heal, and thrive.

However, MenLiving is a peer-led support organization. It does not offer therapy and should not be considered a replacement for it. A facilitator leads and moderates each MenLiving meeting. Please note that our facilitators are not trained mental health professionals or providers. While we strive to maintain confidentiality, we cannot guarantee it, so you should be mindful of the information you share.

MenLiving also strives to embody a culture that reflects our vision and mission. That culture is one that champions both authentic expression and mutual respect. We can’t think of a better summary of those values than our own 5 Suggestions for living life fully.

  • Live Consciously
  • Live Curiously
  • Live Emotionally
  • Live Candidly
  • Live Intentionally

Of course, we don’t expect that any man will always show up as his best self. We’re all works in progress. Still, we expect certain commitments to characterize the spaces where our men connect.

What we expect when men connect in our spaces

  • Men will communicate with one another respectfully.
  • Men will presume and maintain confidentiality.
  • Men will respect one another’s personal boundaries.
  • Men will address interpersonal conflicts constructively.

Play by the Rules

On occasion, a man shows up in our spaces and decides not to play by the rules. When he does, we may take action to preserve our community culture. That action may be a formal warning or a suspension from participation. In extreme cases, that action may be the removal of a man from our community.

Setting connection expectations isn’t about telling men how to live their lives. It’s about promoting our own culture of honest sharing and respectful engagement. Any man who’s willing to play by those “rules” is welcome to sit in our circles.

Have questions about our connection expectations? Have a concern about a particular experience in one of our spaces? Feel free to contact Executive Director Todd Adams or President Shaun Emerson.