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Separation & Divorce Support

Separation/divorce can be very difficult. Though no two men have the exact same narrative, there are many elements that are common and often woven into each man’s story. MenLiving aims to create a welcoming, trusting, non-judgmental space where men can share, be seen, heard, embraced, and supported as they go down the path of separation/divorce.

Our facilitators (Mike Rosen, Dan Kemp, and Jeremy Samatas) are men who have experienced first-hand the tremendous challenge and pain often accompanying this process. They aren’t therapists or counselors or social workers, but regular guys who have emerged from the process in a place of curiosity, growth, and evolution, all coupled with a desire to help. Each has his own story, has relied on the support provided by MenLiving, and brings years of unique experiences and talents to the group.

You can RSVP to the next Zoom meeting here.

To learn about connecting through other ways at MenLiving, check out these platforms.

There is an abundance of resources available to help guide and support, as well. We have linked some here.

See what members are saying.

Non-Profit Status

We formally created a 501c3 in 2019 in order to reach our vision of being the catalyst of connection for thousands of men and boys throughout all walks of life; providing resources, teachings and a safe space to more fully know ourselves, build a bridge to healthy masculinity and make the world a better place. Our non-profit status enables us to more easily to work with other organizations as well as making it easier to raise the necessary support to fund the programs of MenLiving.


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