By Jason Samatas
As I reflect on my past blog posts written for MenLiving, I’m aware of how serious and dark many of them are. My only defense to this accurate charge is that the world, at times, feels serious and dark. Change is afoot again, with new leadership occupying the White House and a whole host of changes raining down on us, seemingly by the hour. There’s been a tragic devastating wildfire in Los Angeles. And the Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl…..again! It’s a dizzying time. However, I am feeling compelled to step back and breathe. I’m feeling energized to lighten my mood, to not focus so much on the dread I’ve been feeling much of the last few months, but to work harder at seeing all the good. Because it’s still there; good people, good deeds, good intentions, good feelings, good friends, good kids, a good men’s group, and so much more.
Life can be very challenging. Yet there’s still so much to be grateful for. Last weekend, 21 men gathered in southern Wisconsin to connect with one another, led by Frank Naugo and a group of spirited and talented men. Jim Herbert continues to onboard wonderful new facilitators into our organization. Last Saturday, I participated in my first Full House being led by new facilitator Will Farmer; we had 14 men, nine of which were facilitators, yet proving once again how supportive and loving the men in this men’s group are. The meeting was touching, heartfelt, and instilled an energy in me that lasted the rest of the weekend. So much good right in front of my eyes.
MenLiving, for me, has always been that beacon for good. I love the idea of hundreds of imperfect men, constantly showing up, baring their souls, connecting, and supporting those in need. It warms my heart and proves, once again, how much good I have in my life. So my advice to myself is to lighten up, be more in the moment, and let my deep feelings of gratitude be the dominant force in my life. Thank you to all you men out there who represent so much good. Thank you.
Meet Jason Samatas
A long-time Chicagoan, Jason now lives in a part of the country he’s always dreamed of living: near the mountains. Just outside of Boulder, CO, Jason now enjoys all that living in the West provides, although he will always have Chicago in his blood.
When darkness is part of the journey “Carve a tunnel of HOPE through the dark mountain of disappointment.” – MLK Jr.